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FIS.ThresholdToRegion_Relative_DarkBright Method

Thresholds an image using two relative thresholds and produces two regions (Dark and Bright) in a single image pass.



public static void ThresholdToRegion_Relative_DarkBright
	FilNet.Image inImage,
	FilNet.Image inBaseImage,
	float inDarkThreshold,
	float inBrightThreshold,
	float inHysteresis,
	FilNet.Region outDarkRegion,
	FilNet.Region outBrightRegion


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageFilNet.ImageInput image.
inBaseImageFilNet.ImagePixels of this image are subtracted from inImage before thresholding.
inDarkThresholdfloat64.0fMaximum relative value of a pixel that is considered DarkRegion. Default value: 64.0f.
inBrightThresholdfloat192.0fMinimum relative value of a pixel that is considered BrightRegion. Default value: 192.0f.
inHysteresisfloat<0.0f, INF>0.0fDefines how much the threshold criteria are lowered for pixels neighboring with other foreground pixels. Default value: 0.0f.
outDarkRegionFilNet.RegionRegion of pixels equal or lower than inDarkThreshold.
outBrightRegionFilNet.RegionRegion of pixels equal or greater than inBrightThreshold.

Function Overrides

See also