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FIS.ThresholdImage_RGB Method

Transforms each pixel value to minimum or maximum depending on whether it belongs to the specified range for each individual pixel component.



public static void ThresholdImage_RGB
	FilNet.Image inRgbImage,
	int? inMinRed,
	int? inMaxRed,
	int? inMinGreen,
	int? inMaxGreen,
	int? inMinBlue,
	int? inMaxBlue,
	int? inMinAlpha,
	int? inMaxAlpha,
	float inFuzziness,
	FilNet.Image outMonoImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inRgbImageFilNet.ImageInput image, usually in the RGB color space.
inMinRedint?<0, 255>128Minimum for the first pixel component, usually Red (Auto = -INF). Default value: 128.
inMaxRedint?<0, 255>Maximum for the first pixel component, usually Red (Auto = +INF). Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMinGreenint?<0, 255>128Minimum for the second pixel component, usually Green (Auto = -INF). Default value: 128.
inMaxGreenint?<0, 255>Maximum for the second pixel component, usually Green (Auto = +INF). Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMinBlueint?<0, 255>128Minimum for the third pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = -INF). Default value: 128.
inMaxBlueint?<0, 255>Maximum for the third pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = +INF). Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMinAlphaint?<0, 255>Minimum for the fourth pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = -INF). Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMaxAlphaint?<0, 255>Maximum for the fourth pixel component, usually Blue (Auto = +INF). Default value: ftl::NIL.
inFuzzinessfloat<0.0f, INF>Tolerance for the ranges that results in intermediate output values.

Function Overrides

See also