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FIS.ThresholdImage_Hysteresis Method

Thresholds an image with a hysteresis, i.e. with a lower threshold for neighboring pixels.



public static void ThresholdImage_Hysteresis
	FilNet.Image inImage,
	NullableRef<FilNet.Region> inRoi,
	float? inMinValue,
	float? inMaxValue,
	float inHysteresis,
	FilNet.Image outMonoImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageFilNet.ImageInput image.
inRoiFilNet.NullableRef<FilNet.Region>Region of interest. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMinValuefloat?128.0fMinimum value of a pixel that is considered foreground (Auto = -INF). Default value: 128.0f.
inMaxValuefloat?Maximum value of a pixel that is considered foreground (Auto = +INF). Default value: ftl::NIL.
inHysteresisfloat<0.0f, INF>16.0fDefines how much the threshold criteria are lowered for pixels neighboring with other foreground pixels. Default value: 16.0f.

Function Overrides

See also