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FIS.SplitSurfaceByPlane Method

Separates the surface points being on one side of the input plane from the others.



public static void SplitSurfaceByPlane
	FilNet.Surface inSurface,
	FilNet.Plane3D inPlane,
	bool inPreserveDimensions,
	FilNet.Surface outSurface1,
	FilNet.Surface outSurface2


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceFilNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inPlaneFilNet.Plane3DPlane used for splitting.
inPreserveDimensionsboolFalseFlag indicating whether the surface dimensions should be preserved or not. Default value: False.
outSurface1FilNet.SurfaceSurface with points with positive signed distance to the input plane.
outSurface2FilNet.SurfaceSurface with points with negative signed distance to the input plane.

Function Overrides

See also