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FIS.ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct Method

Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path.



public static void ScanSingleEdge3D_Direct
	FilNet.Surface inSurface,
	FilNet.Path inScanPath,
	FilNet.CoordinateSystem2D? inScanPathAlignment,
	float? inSamplingStep,
	int inScanWidth,
	FilNet.InterpolationMethod inSurfaceInterpolation,
	FilNet.EdgeScanParams3D inEdgeScanParams,
	FilNet.Selection inEdgeSelection,
	FilNet.LocalBlindness? inLocalBlindness,
	int? inMaxProfileGapWidth,
	out FilNet.SurfaceEdge1D? outEdge,
	FilNet.Path outAlignedScanPath,
	FilNet.Profile outHeightProfile,
	FilNet.Profile outResponseProfile,
	IList<FilNet.Path> diagSamplingPoints,
	out float diagSamplingStep


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceFilNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inScanPathFilNet.PathPath along which the scan is performed.
inScanPathAlignmentFilNet.CoordinateSystem2D?Adjusts the scan path to the position of the inspected object. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inSamplingStepfloat?<0.0f, INF>Distance between consecutive sampling points on the scan path; if Nil, the bigger of surface X and Y scales is chosen. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inScanWidthint<1, INF>5Width of the scan field in pixels. Default value: 5.
inSurfaceInterpolationFilNet.InterpolationMethodBilinearInterpolation method used for extraction of surface points. Default value: Bilinear.
inEdgeScanParamsFilNet.EdgeScanParams3DEdgeScanParams3D ( ProfileInterpolation: Quadratic4 SmoothingStdDev: 0.6f MinMagnitude: 5.0f EdgeTransition: LowToHigh )Parameters controlling the surface edge extraction process. Default value: EdgeScanParams3D ( ProfileInterpolation: Quadratic4 SmoothingStdDev: 0.6f MinMagnitude: 5.0f EdgeTransition: LowToHigh ).
inEdgeSelectionFilNet.SelectionIf many edge points are possible, defines which one is selected.
inLocalBlindnessFilNet.LocalBlindness?Defines conditions in which weaker edges can be detected in the vicinity of stronger edges. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMaxProfileGapWidthint?<0, INF>1Maximal number of consecutive not existing profile points. Default value: 1.
outEdgeFilNet.SurfaceEdge1D?Found surface edge.
outAlignedScanPathFilNet.PathPath along which the scan is performed; in the image coordinate system.
outHeightProfileFilNet.ProfileExtracted surface height profile.
outResponseProfileFilNet.ProfileProfile of the edge (derivative) operator response.
diagSamplingPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Path>Array of paths each one containing the sampling points that contributed to a single value of the extracted profile; in the image coordinate system.
diagSamplingStepfloatUsed distance between consecutive sampling points on the scan path.

Function Overrides

See also