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FIS.RemoveRegionBlobs Method

Splits a region into blobs, removes blobs not fulfilling the specified condition, and merges the rest back into one region.



public static void RemoveRegionBlobs
	FilNet.Region inRegion,
	FilNet.RegionConnectivity inConnectivity,
	FilNet.RegionFeature inFeature,
	float? inMinimum,
	float? inMaximum,
	bool inRemoveBoundaryBlobs,
	FilNet.Region outRegion


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionFilNet.RegionInput region.
inConnectivityFilNet.RegionConnectivityType of connectivity used for the region foreground.
inFeatureFilNet.RegionFeatureRegion feature value to be computed.
inMinimumfloat?<0.0f, INF>1.0fMinimal value of the considered feature. Default value: 1.0f.
inMaximumfloat?<0.0f, INF>Maximal value of the considered feature. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inRemoveBoundaryBlobsboolFalseFlag indicating whether the blobs on border of the input region should be removed or not. Default value: False.
outRegionFilNet.RegionOutput region.

See also