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FIS.RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle Method

Computes the smallest rectangle with the given orientation angle containing a region.



public static void RegionBoundingRectangle_FixedAngle
	FilNet.Region inRegion,
	float inAngle,
	out FilNet.Rectangle2D outBoundingRectangle,
	out FilNet.Point2D outCenter,
	out float outLongSide,
	out float outShortSide


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionFilNet.RegionInput region.
inAnglefloatExpected angle of the resulting rectangle.
outBoundingRectangleFilNet.Rectangle2DSmallest bounding rectangle of the input region.
outCenterFilNet.Point2DCenter of the bounding rectangle.
outLongSidefloatLength of the bounding rectangle long side.
outShortSidefloatLength of the bounding rectangle short side.

Function Overrides

See also