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FIS.PathTurnAngleLocalMaxima Method

Finds the local maxima of the profile of turn angles of a path.



public static void PathTurnAngleLocalMaxima
	FilNet.Path inPath,
	FilNet.TurnAngleDirection inAllowedTurnDirection,
	FilNet.TurnAnglePrecision inResultPrecision,
	float inMinTurnAngle,
	float inMinDistance,
	float inSmoothingStdDev,
	IList<float> outTurnAngleMaximaIndices,
	IList<FilNet.Point2D> outTurnAngleMaximaPoints,
	IList<float> outTurnAngleMaximaAngles,
	FilNet.Path diagSmoothedPath,
	FilNet.Profile diagTurnAngleProfile


Name Type Range Default Description
inPathFilNet.PathInput path.
inAllowedTurnDirectionFilNet.TurnAngleDirectionAllAllows to detect only left-turns, only right-turns or both. Default value: All.
inResultPrecisionFilNet.TurnAnglePrecisionSwitches between pixel-precise or subpixel-precise detection of the found maxima.
inMinTurnAnglefloat<0.0f, 180.0f>30.0fMinimal value of a relevant angle. Default value: 30.0f.
inMinDistancefloat<0.0f, INF>0.0fMinimal distance on the path between two local maxima assuming each path segment has unit length. Default value: 0.0f.
inSmoothingStdDevfloat<0.0f, INF>0.6fStandard deviation of the gaussian smoothing applied to the input path. Default value: 0.6f.
outTurnAngleMaximaIndicesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Indices of found local maxima.
outTurnAngleMaximaPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Point2D>Found local maxima of turn angle profile of the smoothed input path.
outTurnAngleMaximaAnglesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Turn angles of found local maxima.
diagSmoothedPathFilNet.PathInput path smoothed with gaussian kernel.
diagTurnAngleProfileFilNet.ProfileProfile of turn angles at characteristic points of the smoothed input path.

Function Overrides

See also