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FIS.PathToPathMaximumDistance Method

Computes the distance between the farthest point of the input path from the other path.



public static void PathToPathMaximumDistance
	FilNet.Path inPath1,
	FilNet.Path inPath2,
	FilNet.PathDistanceMode inPathDistanceMode,
	float inResolution,
	out float outDistance,
	NullableValue<FilNet.Segment2D> outConnectingSegment


Name Type Range Default Description
inPath1FilNet.PathFirst input path.
inPath2FilNet.PathSecond input path.
inPathDistanceModeFilNet.PathDistanceModeDistance measuring method.
inResolutionfloat<0.0f, INF>1.0fDefault value: 1.0f.
outDistancefloatDistance between farthest point of the input path the other input path.
outConnectingSegmentFilNet.NullableValue<FilNet.Segment2D>Segment connecting input paths having such distance. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.

Function Overrides

See also