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FIS.GetImageRow Method

Extracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image.



public static void GetImageRow
	FilNet.Image inImage,
	int? inChannelIndex,
	int inRowIndex,
	IList<float> outValues,
	IList<FilNet.Pixel> outPixels


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageFilNet.ImageInput image.
inChannelIndexint?<0, 3>Selects a channel of the input image. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inRowIndexint<0, 65535>Selects a row of the input image.
outValuesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Output pixel values of the row.
outPixelsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Pixel>Output pixels of the row.

Function Overrides

See also