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FIS.FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct Method

Performs a series of 1D ridge detections in 3D and finds a segment that best matches the detected points.



public static void FitSegmentToRidges3D_Direct
	FilNet.Surface inSurface,
	FilNet.SegmentFittingField inFittingField,
	FilNet.CoordinateSystem2D? inFittingFieldAlignment,
	int inScanCount,
	float? inSamplingStep,
	int inScanWidth,
	FilNet.InterpolationMethod inSurfaceInterpolation,
	FilNet.RidgeScanParams3D inRidgeScanParams,
	FilNet.Selection inRidgeSelection,
	FilNet.LocalBlindness? inLocalBlindness,
	int? inMaxProfileGapWidth,
	float inMaxIncompleteness,
	FilNet.MEstimator? inOutlierSuppression,
	INullable<FilNet.Segment3D> outSegment


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceFilNet.SurfaceSurface to fit the segment to.
inFittingFieldFilNet.SegmentFittingFieldSegment fitting field.
inFittingFieldAlignmentFilNet.CoordinateSystem2D?Adjusts the fitting field to the position of the inspected object. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inScanCountint<3, INF>10The number of points that will be searched to estimate the position of the segment. Default value: 10.
inSamplingStepfloat?<0.0f, INF>Desired distance between consecutive sampling points on the scan segments; if Nil, the bigger of surface X and Y scales is chosen. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inScanWidthint<1, INF>5The width of each scan field (in pixels). Default value: 5.
inSurfaceInterpolationFilNet.InterpolationMethodBilinearInterpolation method used for extraction of surface points. Default value: Bilinear.
inRidgeScanParamsFilNet.RidgeScanParams3DRidgeScanParams3D ( ProfileInterpolation: Quadratic4 SmoothingStdDev: 0.6f RidgeWidth: 5.0f RidgeMargin: 2.0f RidgeOperator: Minimum MinMagnitude: 5.0f RidgePolarity: Low )Parameters controlling the ridge extraction process. Default value: RidgeScanParams3D ( ProfileInterpolation: Quadratic4 SmoothingStdDev: 0.6f RidgeWidth: 5.0f RidgeMargin: 2.0f RidgeOperator: Minimum MinMagnitude: 5.0f RidgePolarity: Low ).
inRidgeSelectionFilNet.SelectionSelection mode of ridges.
inLocalBlindnessFilNet.LocalBlindness?Defines conditions in which weaker ridges can be detected in the vicinity of stronger ridges. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMaxProfileGapWidthint?<0, INF>1Maximal number of consecutive not existing profile points. Default value: 1.
inMaxIncompletenessfloat<0.0f, 0.999f>0.1fMaximal fraction of ridge points not found. Default value: 0.1f.
inOutlierSuppressionFilNet.MEstimator?Selects a method for ignoring incorrectly detected points. Default value: ftl::NIL.
outSegmentFilNet.INullable<FilNet.Segment3D>Fitted segment or nothing if the fitting fails. This parameter cannot be null.

Function Overrides

See also