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FIS.FindDensityMaxima_FixedSpread Method

Finds local density maxima in a set of values by looking for the highest number of samples withing a range determined by the given spread.



public static void FindDensityMaxima_FixedSpread
	IList<float> inValues,
	float inSpread,
	int inMinCount,
	bool inAllowOverlapping,
	FilNet.DataModeFunction inModeFunction,
	IList<float> outModes,
	IList<int> outCounts


Name Type Range Default Description
inValuesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Data points array.
inSpreadfloat<0.0f, INF>2.0fMaximum spread of a single window. Default value: 2.0f.
inMinCountint<1, INF>1Windows with a smaller count will not be considered. Default value: 1.
inAllowOverlappingboolIf true all local maxima will be returned otherwise for each group of ranges that overlap only the one with the smallest real spread will be returned.
inModeFunctionFilNet.DataModeFunctionMeanMethod of calculating the center of a data mode. Default value: Mean.
outModesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Computed data modes.
outCountsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<int>Sizes of windows that had a mode.

Function Overrides

See also