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FIS.FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount Method

Finds local density maxima in set of values by looking for the highest concentration of a fixed number of samples.



public static void FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount
	IList<float> inValues,
	int inCount,
	bool inAllowOverlapping,
	FilNet.DataModeFunction inModeFunction,
	IList<float> outModes,
	IList<float> outSpreads


Name Type Range Default Description
inValuesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Data points array.
inCountint<2, INF>3Number of points in a single window. Default value: 3.
inAllowOverlappingboolIf true all local maxima will be returned otherwise for each group of ranges that overlap a single mode will be returned (the middle of the group).
inModeFunctionFilNet.DataModeFunctionMeanMethod of calculating the center of a data mode. Default value: Mean.
outModesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Computed data modes.
outSpreadsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<float>Spreads of windows that had a mode.

Function Overrides

See also