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FIS.EnumerateImages_Random Method

Scans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted randomly.



public static bool EnumerateImages_Random
	FilNet.EnumerateFilesRandomState ioState,
	string inDirectory,
	FilNet.ImageFileFormat? inFileType,
	int? inSeed,
	bool inRepeat,
	bool inProcessSubdirectories,
	bool inInvert,
	bool inLoadAlphaChannel,
	int inDelay,
	FilNet.Image outImage,
	out string outFilePath,
	out string outFileName,
	out bool outIsFirst,
	out bool outIsLast


Name Type Range Default Description
inDirectorystring\".\"Input directory. Default value: ".".
inFileTypeFilNet.ImageFileFormat?File format of the images. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inSeedint?Random seed used to determine random sorting order. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inRepeatboolDetermines whether to repeat reading directory after reading all files.
inProcessSubdirectoriesboolFlag indicating whether to load images from the subdirectories or not.
inInvertboolFlag indicating whether to enumerate images backwards or not.
inLoadAlphaChannelboolFlag indicating whether to load alpha channel of the image or not.
inDelayintMinimum time between iterations in milliseconds.
outImageFilNet.ImageOutput image.
outFilePathstringOutput file path.
outFileNamestringOutput file name.
outIsFirstboolFlag indicating the first iteration.
outIsLastboolFlag indicating the last iteration.

Function Overrides

See also