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FIS.CreateGoldenTemplate2 Method

Create a model to be used with CompareGoldenTemplate2 filter.



public static void CreateGoldenTemplate2
	IList<FilNet.Image> inImages,
	NullableRef<FilNet.Region> inObjectMask,
	int inDownscale,
	int inMaxDisplacement,
	int inLargeDefectSize,
	int inBrightnessAugmentation,
	int inNoiseAugmentation,
	float inSmoothingAugmentationStdDev,
	FilNet.GoldenTemplate2Model outModel


Name Type Range Default Description
inImagesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Image>List of input images that has to be uniform in terms of size and format.
inDownscaleint<1, INF>2Shrink the input for processing by dividing by specified value. Reduces sensitivity to minuscule (pixel-size) defects. Greatly improves processing speed. Default value: 2.
inMaxDisplacementint<0, INF>2Error in object positioning. If in doubt, it is better to set this value too high. If set too low, subtle defects won't be detected, or no defects may not be detected at all. High values may impair detection of small defects, especially near edges. Default value: 2.
inLargeDefectSizeint<0, INF>50Expected size (diameter) of largest, extensive defects. Default value: 50.
inBrightnessAugmentationint0Allows for greater (additional to the value inferred from inImages training set) brightness deviation in inspected images. Default value: 0.
inNoiseAugmentationint0Allows for greater (additional to the value inferred from inImages training set) noise presence in inspected images. Uses a uniform noise with specified distribution width. Default value: 0.
inSmoothingAugmentationStdDevfloat<0.0f, INF>0.0fAllows for greater (additional to the value inferred from inImages training set) image smoothing in inspected images. Uses gaussian smoothing with specified standard deviation. Default value: 0.0f.

Function Overrides

See also