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FIS.CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep Method

Compute the transformation between the camera and the calibration target reference frames. (all units in mm)



public static void CalibrateEyeInHandDataPrep
	IList<FilNet.Image> inCalibrationTargetImages,
	IList<FilNet.Point3DGrid> inCalibrationTargetPoints,
	FilNet.Size inCalibrationTargetSize,
	IList<FilNet.Matrix> outRotationTargetToCam,
	IList<FilNet.Matrix> outTranslationTargetToCam,
	IList<bool> outDetectionStatus


Name Type Range Default Description
inCalibrationTargetImagesSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Image>Input Intensity images of the calibration target. Calibration target should be visible in all images.
inCalibrationTargetPointsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Point3DGrid>Input 3D point Cloud of the calibration target. Calibration target should be visible in all images.
inCalibrationTargetSizeFilNet.SizeNumber of Rows and Columns in the chessboard calibration target.
outRotationTargetToCamSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Matrix>Estimated rotation part of the homogeneous transformation matrix that transforms a point expressed in the camera frame to the Target frame.
outTranslationTargetToCamSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Matrix>Estimated translation part of the homogeneous transformation matrix that transforms a point expressed in the camera frame to the Target frame.
outDetectionStatusSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<bool>Output status of the detection of the calibration target in each image.

Function Overrides

See also