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FIS.AlignRegionToSurfaceCoordinatesFormat Method

Returns region covering the same area for the surface with another coordinates format.



public static void AlignRegionToSurfaceCoordinatesFormat
	FilNet.Region inRegion,
	FilNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat inInputSurfaceCoordinatesFormat,
	FilNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormat inOutputSurfaceCoordinatesFormat,
	int? inFrameWidth,
	int? inFrameHeight,
	FilNet.Region outAlignedRegion


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionFilNet.RegionInput region.
inInputSurfaceCoordinatesFormatFilNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormatOffsets and scales on X and Y axes of the surface associated with the image the input region were defined on.
inOutputSurfaceCoordinatesFormatFilNet.SurfaceCoordinatesFormatOffsets and scales on X and Y axes of the surface associated with the image the output region is defined on.
inFrameWidthint?Output region's frame width. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inFrameHeightint?Output region's frame height. Default value: ftl::NIL.

See also