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FIS.AdjustPathArraysToEdges Method

Translates, rotates and scales multiple contour sets (PathArray), each separately, to the edges of the input image with subpixel precision.



public static void AdjustPathArraysToEdges
	FilNet.Image inImage,
	IList<IList<FilNet.Path>> inPaths,
	float? inPointSpacing,
	NullableRef<IList<FilNet.CoordinateSystem2D>> inAlignments,
	float inAttractionRadius,
	FilNet.AdjustmentMetric inAdjustmentMetric,
	bool inAdjustTranslation,
	bool inAdjustRotation,
	bool inAdjustScale,
	int inIterationCount,
	float inBaseGradient,
	IList<SafeList<FilNet.Path>> outAdjustedPaths,
	IList<FilNet.CoordinateSystem2D> outAlignments


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageFilNet.ImageInput image.
inPathsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<System.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Path>>Paths to be adjusted. For sparse, synthetic paths the inPointSpacing needs to be specified.
inPointSpacingfloat?<1.0f, INF>If set, sampling points of the input path will be equidistant with specified spacing. Useful for increasing density of synthetic, sparse paths. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inAlignmentsFilNet.NullableRef<System.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.CoordinateSystem2D>>Alignments to be corrected, usually connect to outObjects.Alignment[] of LocateObjects:Multiple filter. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inAttractionRadiusfloat<0.1f, INF>2.0fExpected initial distance between inPaths and edges of the input image. Default value: 2.0f.
inAdjustmentMetricFilNet.AdjustmentMetricSegmentDistanceMetric used for path attraction. The SegmentDistance minimizes distances along path normal vectors, and thus adjustment is more accurate. PointDistance_* minimize euclidean distance, adjustment tends to be more stable. Default value: SegmentDistance.
inAdjustTranslationboolTrueCompute the translation part of adjustment transform. Must be true when using AttractPathTangents estimation method. Default value: True.
inAdjustRotationboolTrueCompute the rotation part of adjustment transform. Default value: True.
inAdjustScaleboolFalseCompute the scale part of adjustment transform. Default value: False.
inIterationCountint<0, 100>6Number of iterations of internal adjustment algorithm. Default value: 6.
inBaseGradientfloat<0.1f, INF>1.0fThreshold for suppression of weak input image gradients. Increase for very noisy images. Default value: 1.0f.
outAdjustedPathsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.SafeList<FilNet.Path>>Adjusted output paths.
outAlignmentsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.CoordinateSystem2D>Corrected alignments - inAlignments input modified with estimated adjustment parameters.

Function Overrides

See also