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Splits the paths of the input array - in accordance to the relation between computed feature values and the specified range.



public static void ClassifyPaths
	IList<FilNet.Path> inPaths,
	FilNet.PathFilter inPathFilter,
	FilNet.PathFeature inFeature,
	float? inMinimum,
	float? inMaximum,
	NullableRef<SafeList<FilNet.Path>> outAccepted,
	NullableRef<SafeList<FilNet.Path>> outRejected,
	NullableRef<SafeList<FilNet.Path>> outBelow,
	NullableRef<SafeList<FilNet.Path>> outAbove,
	NullableRef<List<float>> outValues


Name Type Range Default Description
inPathsSystem.Collections.Generic.IList<FilNet.Path>Input paths.
inPathFilterFilNet.PathFilterDetermines which paths will take part in computation.
inFeatureFilNet.PathFeaturePath feature value to be computed.
inMinimumfloat?Lowest value of the range. Default value: ftl::NIL.
inMaximumfloat?Highest value of the range. Default value: ftl::NIL.
outAcceptedFilNet.NullableRef<FilNet.SafeList<FilNet.Path>>Paths with feature values matching the range. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outRejectedFilNet.NullableRef<FilNet.SafeList<FilNet.Path>>Paths with feature values outside the range. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outBelowFilNet.NullableRef<FilNet.SafeList<FilNet.Path>>Paths with feature values lower than inMinimum. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outAboveFilNet.NullableRef<FilNet.SafeList<FilNet.Path>>Paths with feature values higher than inMaximum. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outValuesFilNet.NullableRef<System.Collections.Generic.List<float>>Computed feature values. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.


The filter accepts an array of paths and splits it into output arrays, depending on how each of the computed feature values fits the (inMinimum, inMaximum) range.

  • Paths corresponding to feature values lower than inMinimum are passed onto outBelow and outRejected.
  • Paths corresponding to feature values that fit closed range (inMinimum, inMaximum) are passed onto outAccepted.
  • Paths corresponding to feature values higher than inMaximum are passed onto outAbove and outRejected.

In the special case of inMinimum being greater than inMaximum, first matching condition is applied, which means that objects corresponding to values higher than inMaximum and lower than inMinimum are passed onto outBelow.

Paths can be filtered before classification. One can process all paths, only open or only closed ones, depending on value of inPathFilter input.

To learn about possible features to classify paths, one should see PathFeature documentation. To know details about particular feature, corresponding filter article should be read.

See also