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GrayModel2Designer Class


Prompts the user to edit a Gray Model 2.


GrayModel2Designer(IContainer) Initializes an instance of the GrayModel2Designer dialog using IContainer object which is responsible for disposing this dialog.
GrayModel2Designer() Initializes an instance of the GrayModelDesigner dialog.


AllowComplexityLevelChangeSystem.Boolean Gets or sets the basic/expert switch visibility

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
AnglePrecisionSystem.Single Defines angular resolution of the matching process.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
BackgroundsFil.Image[] Gets or sets the designer background images

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
ExpertModeSystem.Boolean Gets or sets the editor complexity level

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
HideSelectorsSystem.BooleanGets or sets if dialog user will be able to choose reference image.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
IconSystem.Drawing.Icon Gets or sets the designer icon

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
IsDisposedSystem.Boolean Gets if the designer is _disposed

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
LoadImageButtonVisibleSystem.Boolean Visibility of load image button

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
MaxAngleSystem.Single End of range of possible rotations.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
MaxPyramidLevelSystem.Nullable<System.Int32> Defines the number of reduced resolution levels used to speed up computations.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
MaxScaleSystem.Single End of range of possible scales.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
MinAngleSystem.Single Start of range of possible rotations.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
MinPyramidLevelSystem.Int32 Defines the index of the lowest reduced resolution level used to speed up computations

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
MinScaleSystem.Single Start of range of possible scales.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
ModelParametersSystem.Byte[] Gets or sets a serialized parameters that are used to create a model

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
ReferenceFrameSystem.Nullable<Fil.Rectangle2D> Exact position of the model object in the image.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
ScalePrecisionSystem.Single Defines scale resolution of the matching process.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.ModelDesignerBase
SiteSystem.ComponentModel.ISite Gets or sets the ISite of the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
SizeSystem.Drawing.Size Gets or sets a start size for the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
StartLocationSystem.Drawing.Point Gets or sets a start location for the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
StartPositionSystem.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition Gets or sets a start position for the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
TitleSystem.String Gets or sets the designer title

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer


ClearBackgroundImages() Clear background images from designer.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
GetGrayModel2() Creates an instance of the GrayModel2 type using editor properties
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetTemplateRegion() Returns a copy of the image region, the template model will be extracted from. The caller is responsible for disposing the returned value.
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
LoadParameters(byte[]) Load model parameters from a byte array.
LoadParameters(string) Load model parameters from file
SaveParameters(byte[]) Save model parameters to byte array.
SaveParameters(System.IO.Stream) Saves model parameters to stream.
SaveParameters(string) Save model parameters to file
SetTemplateRegion(Fil.Region) Sets the image region the template model will be extracted from.
SetTheme(System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Color, Fil.Designers.Designer.Fil.Designers.Designer.IconSet) Sets designer color theme.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
ShowDialog() Shows the editor as a modal window
ShowDialog(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window) Shows the editor as a modal window with a specified owner
ToString()Inherited from System.Object


See also