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CameraCalibrationDesigner Class


Prompts the user to perform camera calibration from previously stored images.


CameraCalibrationDesigner(IContainer) Initializes an instance of the CameraCalibrationDesigner dialog using IContainer object which is responsible for disposing this dialog.
CameraCalibrationDesigner() Initializes an instance of the CameraCalibrationDesigner dialog.


BackgroundsFil.Image[] Gets or sets the designer background images

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
HideIconSystem.Boolean Shows/Hides dialog icon.
IconSystem.Drawing.Icon Gets or sets the designer icon

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
IsDisposedSystem.Boolean Gets if the designer is _disposed

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
SiteSystem.ComponentModel.ISite Gets or sets the ISite of the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
SizeSystem.Drawing.Size Gets or sets a start size for the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
StartLocationSystem.Drawing.Point Gets or sets a start location for the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
StartPositionSystem.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition Gets or sets a start position for the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
TitleSystem.String Gets or sets the designer title

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer


Dispose() Releases all resources used by the designer

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetRectificationMap() Creates an instance of the RectificationMap type using editor properties.
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
LoadParameters(byte[]) Load model parameters from a byte array.
LoadParameters(string) Load model parameters from a file.
SaveParameters(byte[]) Save model parameters to a byte array.
SaveParameters(System.IO.Stream) Saves model parameters to a stream.
SaveParameters(string) Save model parameters to a file.
SetRectificationMap(Fil.RectificationMap) Sets existing instance of RectificationMap to editor.
SetTheme(System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Color, Fil.Designers.Designer.Fil.Designers.Designer.IconSet) Sets designer color theme.

Inherited from Fil.Designers.Designer
ShowDialog() Shows the editor as a modal window
ShowDialog(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window) Shows the editor as a modal window with a specified owner
ToString()Inherited from System.Object


See also