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Known Issues
In this section you will find solutions to known issues that we have came across while testing communication between FabImage products and different camera models through GigE Vision.
Imaging Source Cameras
There might be problems with image acquisition from Imaging Source cameras through GigE. It's caused by the implementation (regarding caching and packet size) of GigE Vision standard in those cameras and as a result no image can be seen in FabImage Studio (the previews are empty during program execution).
To resolve this issue, a camera restart (this has to be done only once, after you encounter the problem with image acquisition) and changing some parameters in FabImage GenAPI configuration are required. Parameters which should be changed are:
- Enable GenAPI Cache (should be set to False),
- Disable Packet Size Negotiation (should be set to True),
- Enable Constant Packet Size (should be set to False).
In order to change these parameters you should (before opening device connection) open library configuration with function GigEVision_OpenSystemConfiguration, and using GenApi function set the following parameters (please note that these parameters have to be set separately for each application):
- GevAppTLEnableGenApiCache (Boolean) to False
- GevAppTLDisablePacketSizeNegotiation (Boolean) to True
- GevAppTLEnableConstantPacketSize (Boolean) to False
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