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Read the Barcode (read_barcode)


Create an application that reads data from a graphical barcode.


A single image which contains a single 1D barcode of EAN13 type.

Barcode image is stored in the read_barcode directory.


Draw the read barcode value on the input image.


This exercise presents the way to extract data from a graphical 1D code (barcode).

To find and read the barcode ReadSingleBarcode filter may be used.

Labeling connections is explained in this article.

Solution (FIS)

  1. Add LoadImage filter to ACQUIRE section to read an image from the file.
  2. Add ReadSingleBarcode filter to PROCESS section as the second filter in the program.
  3. To draw the recognized value in the image use DrawStrings_SingleColor filter. Set the text position at inLocations and connect outBarcode.Text with inStrings.
  4. Parameters of the drawn text can be set at inSize and at inColor inputs or at the Properties window.
  5. Add outImage output of the DrawStrings_SingleColor filter to a preview window.
  6. Add the value of outBarcode.Position to the preview window to show the location of the found barcode.

Main macrofilter uses basic filters to obtain data from a barcode.