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Remote USB License upgrade
This guide will show steps, which are to be taken, when dongle license upgrade is considered. This may happen in various situations, like purchase of new products or new major software release.
To perform remote license upgrade following will be needed:
- Computer with Wibu's CodeMeter runtime. This can be installed with FabImage Studio or downloaded from
- Access to Internet.
- Dongle, which will be upgraded.
Process of remote update consists of three steps:
- Creation of WibuCmRac file, which identifies your dongle.
- Sending created file to FabImage team: [email protected]
- Receiving WibuCmRau file, which is used to update dongle.
WibuCmRac file creation
First step is to open CodeMeter Control Center, by clicking on its icon in systems' tray. Opened window should like below:

Next step is to choose dongle, that is about to be upgraded and then click on "License Update" button, which will bring CmFas Assistant window:

If "Next" button is chosen, window with possible operations will appear:

To create WibuCmRac file, which is necessary for process of update, first option should be selected, "Create license request".
Because there is already FabImage Studios' license in dongle being upgraded, in next step "Extend existing license" should be chosen.

In next window one can choose which vendors' license is wanted to be updated. "Adaptive Vision Sp. z o.o." should be selected.

The last step of creation WibuCmRac file is to choose its name (default is fine) and localization.

All settings need to be applied by clicking "Commit". If everything went well, this window will appear:

Now its time to send created file to FabImage team.
If your dongle happens to be empty (no prior FabImage license is programmed, and list with available producers is empty), you need to select "Add license of a new vendor" option in CmFAS Assistant:

In next window one will be prompted for entering the FirmCode of vendor. In case of "Adaptive Vision Sp. z o.o." one should type 102213, as shown on image below:

After committing these steps, request file will be generated as described earlier in this section.
Using WibuCmRau file to upgrade USB dongle
When WibuCmRau file is received, one can transfer it to USB dongle, which has to be present in one's computer's USB port.
Using CodeMeter Control Center to upgrade USB dongle
As previously, Control Center needs to be opened by clicking on its icon in tray. Dongle needs to be selected, and "License update" should be clicked. Note that WibuCmRau file can only be used once, and will work only with dongle, from which the corresponding WibuCmRac was created.

This time "Import license update" needs to be chosen.

Navigate to file, which was received from FabImage team, and click "Commit".

If everything went well, similar information will pop out.
Last window of assistant contains "Finish" button, which need to be clicked in order to exit.

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