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Summary: Common Filters that Everyone Should Know
There are 16 special filters in FabImage Studio that are commonly used for general purpose calculations, but whose meaning may be not obvious. Please review them carefully and make sure that you understand each of them.
Filters Related to Conditional Data
Creates a conditional value. Copies the input object to the output if the associated condition is met, or returns Nil otherwise.
Replaces Nil with a default value while copying the input object to the output. It is used to substitute for a value that is missing due to conditional execution.
Gets an array with conditional elements and removes all the Nil values from it.
Filters Related to Arrays
Creates an array from up to eight individual elements.
CreateUniformArray, CreateIntegerSequence, CreateRealSequence
These filters create simple arrays of the specified size.
ClassifyByRange, ClassifyByPredicate, ClassifyRegions, ClassifyPaths
These filters get one array on the input and split the elements into two or more output arrays depending on some condition.
GetArrayElement, GetArrayElements, GetMultipleArrayElements
These filters get an array of elements and output one or several elements from specified indices.
GetMinimumElement, GetMaximumElement, GetMinimumRegion, GetMaximumRegion, GetMinimumPath, GetMaximumPath
These filters get an array of elements and output one element depending on some condition.
FlattenArray (JoinArrays_OfArray)
Used when you have a two-dimensional array (e.g. Point2DArrayArray), but you need a flat list of all individual elements (e.g. Point2DArray).
Filters Related to Loops
EnumerateIntegers, EnumerateReals, EnumerateElements, EnumerateFiles, EnumerateImages
These filters create loops of consecutive numbers, array elements or files on disk. The loop is finished when the end of the specified collection is reached.
Creates a loop that ends when the inShouldLoop input gets False.
Returns two values: one from the current iteration and one from the previous one.
AccumulateElements, AccumulateArray
These filters create arrays by joining single elements or entire arrays that appear in consecutive iterations.
Calculates how many times some condition was True across all iterations.
Does a very simple thing – copies the input object to the output. Useful for creating values that should be send to the HMI at some point of the program.
Gets two individual elements and outputs one of them depending on a condition.
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