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Module: Barcodes

Detects and recognizes a single barcode on the input image.


To be used as an easy all-in-one solution for typical barcode reading applications.
Name Type Range Description
Input value inImage Image Input image
Input value inRoi Rectangle2D* Region of interest
Input value inRoiAlignment CoordinateSystem2D* Adjusts the region of interest to the position of the inspected object
Input value inBarcodeFormat BarcodeFormat* Format of the barcode
Input value inMinGradientLength Real 0.0 - Minimal gradient length of edge pixels used for detecting barcodes
Input value inBaseBarWidth Integer 1 - Estimated width of the thinnest bar
Input value inDetectionScanCount Integer 1 - Number of scan lines used in detecting barcode
Input value inReadingScanCount Integer 1 - Number of parallel scans run until first successful read
Input value inScanWidth Integer 1 - Width of the single scan
Input value inMinStrength Real 0.0 - Minimal strength of an extracted edge
Input value inSmoothingStdDev Real 0.0 - Standard deviation of the gaussian smoothing applied to the profile extracted in each scan
Input value inPolarity Polarity Specifies whether code is darker or brighter than the background
Output value outBarcodePosition Rectangle2D? Position of the found barcode
Output value outDecodedText String? Decoded barcode content or nothing if all of the scans failed
Output value outBarcodeFormat BarcodeFormat? Decoded barcode format or nothing if all of the scans failed
Output value outBarcodePolarity Polarity? Decoded barcode polarity or nothing if all of the scans failed
Output value outAlignedRoi Rectangle2D Input ROI after transformation (in the image coordinates)
Output value outBarcodeCandidates Rectangle2DArray Places with high gradient values that are further investigated
Diagnostic input diagGradientImage Image Image of gradient directions
Diagnostic input diagScheduledScanSegments Segment2DArray Scheduled scan segments

Hardware Acceleration

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.