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Project Configuration

General Information

FabImage Library is designed to be used as a part of C++ projects developed with Microsoft Visual Studio in versions 2015-2019.

Creating a New Project

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019

FabImage Library is provided with a project template. To create a new project using FabImage Library, start Microsoft Visual Studio and choose the File | New | Project... command. The template called FIL 1.0 Project is available in the tab Installed | Templates | Other Languages | Visual C++.

Required Project Settings

All projects that use FabImage Library need some specific values of the compiler and linker settings. If you want to use the Library in your existing project or you are manually configuring a new project, please apply the settings listed below:

  • Configuration Properties | General
    • Character Set should be set to Use Unicode Character Set.
  • Configuration Properties | C/C++
    • General
      • Additional Include Directories should contain the $(FIL_PATH1_0)\include\ path.
  • Configuration Properties | Linker
    • General
      • Additional Library Directories should contain the proper path to directory containing the FIL.lib file. The proper path is $(FIL_PATH1_0)\lib\$(PlatformName)\ .
    • Input
      • Additional Dependencies should contain FIL.lib file.
  • Configuration Properties | Build Events
    • Post-Build Event
      • Command Line should contain copy "$(FIL_PATH1_0)\bin\$(PlatformName)\FIL.dll" "$(OutDir)" call. This setting is not mandatory, but the application using FabImage Library requires an access to the FIL.dll file and this is the easiest way to fulfill this requirement.

Including Headers

Every source code file that uses FabImage Library needs the #include <FIL.h> directive. A proper path to the FIL.h file is set in the settings of the compiler (described above), so there is no need to use the full path in the directive.

Distributing FabImage Library with Your Application

Once the application is ready, it is time for preparing a distribution package or an installer. There are two requirements that needs to be fulfilled:

  • The final executable file of the application needs to have access to the proper version (used by Win32 or x64 configuration) of the FIL.dll file. Typically, the FIL.dll file should be placed in the same directory as the executable.
  • The computer that the application will run on needs a valid license for the use of FabImage Library product. Licenses can be managed with the License Manager application, that is installed with FabImage Library Runtime package.
  • A license file (*.fikey) can be also manually copied to the end user's machine without installing FabImage Library Runtime. It must be placed in a subdirectory of the AppData system folder. The typical location for the license file is C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\FabImage\Licenses. Remember that the license is valid per machine, so every computer that runs the application needs a separate license file.
  • Alternatively to the (*.fikey) files we support USB Dongle licenses.
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