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Header: FIL.h
Namespace: fil
Module: MatchingBasic

Finds a single occurrence of a predefined template on an image by analysing the normalized correlation between pixel values.

Applications: Detection of an object with blurred or unclear edges. Often one of the first filters in a program.


void fil::LocateSingleObject_NCC_Deprecated
	const fil::Image& inImage,
	ftl::Optional<const fil::Region&> inSearchRegion,
	const fil::GrayModel& inGrayModel,
	int inMinPyramidLevel,
	ftl::Optional<int> inMaxPyramidLevel,
	bool inIgnoreBoundaryObjects,
	float inMinScore,
	ftl::Optional<float> inMaxBrightnessRatio,
	ftl::Optional<float> inMaxContrastRatio,
	ftl::Conditional<fil::Object2D>& outObject,
	ftl::Optional<int&> outPyramidHeight = ftl::NIL,
	ftl::Array<fil::Image>& diagImagePyramid,
	ftl::Array<fil::Image>& diagMatchPyramid,
	ftl::Conditional<ftl::Array<float> >& diagScores


Name Type Range Default Description
Input value inImage const Image& Image on which object occurrence will be searched
Input value inSearchRegion Optional<const Region&> NIL Range of possible object centers
Input value inGrayModel const GrayModel& Model of objects to be searched
Input value inMinPyramidLevel int 0 - 12 0 Defines the lowest pyramid level at which object position is still refined
Input value inMaxPyramidLevel Optional<int> 0 - 12 3 Defines the total number of reduced resolution levels that can be used to speed up computations
Input value inIgnoreBoundaryObjects bool False Flag indicating whether objects crossing image boundary should be ignored or not
Input value inMinScore float -1.0 - 1.0 0.7f Minimum score of object candidates accepted at each pyramid level
Input value inMaxBrightnessRatio Optional<float> 1.0 - NIL Defines the maximal deviation of the mean brightness of the model object and the object present in the image
Input value inMaxContrastRatio Optional<float> 1.0 - NIL Defines the maximal deviation of the brightness standard deviation of the model object and the object present in the image
Output value outObject Conditional<Object2D>& Found object
Output value outPyramidHeight Optional<int&> NIL Highest pyramid level used to speed up computations
Diagnostic input diagImagePyramid Array<Image>& Pyramid of iteratively downsampled input image
Diagnostic input diagMatchPyramid Array<Image>& Candidate object locations found at each pyramid level
Diagnostic input diagScores Conditional<Array<float> >& Scores of the found object at each pyramid level

Optional Outputs

The computation of following outputs can be switched off by passing value ftl::NIL to these parameters: outPyramidHeight.

Read more about Optional Outputs.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation is optimized for SSE2 technology for pixels of type: UINT8.

This operation is optimized for AVX2 technology for pixels of type: UINT8.

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.