
Header: FIL.h
Namespace: fil
Module: DL_CO

Executes a Classify Object model on a single input image.


void fil::FisFilter_DL_ClassifyObject
	const fil::Image& inImage,
	ftl::Optional<const fil::Rectangle2D&> inRoi,
	ftl::Optional<const fil::CoordinateSystem2D&> inRoiAlignment,
	const fil::ClassifyObjectModelId& inModelId,
	const bool inCreateHeatmap,
	ftl::Array<fil::ClassConfidence>& outConfidences,
	ftl::String& outClassName,
	int& outClassIndex,
	float& outScore,
	fil::Heatmap& outRelevanceHeatmap,
	ftl::Optional<fil::Rectangle2D&> outAlignedRoi = ftl::NIL


Name Type Default Description
Input value inImage const Image& Input image
Input value inRoi Optional<const Rectangle2D&> NIL Limits the area where a classified object is located
Input value inRoiAlignment Optional<const CoordinateSystem2D&> NIL
Input value inModelId const ClassifyObjectModelId& Identifier of a Classify Object model
Input value inCreateHeatmap const bool False Enables creating a relevance heatmap at the expense of extended execution time
Output value outConfidences Array<ClassConfidence>& Returns confidences for all classes
Output value outClassName String& Returns the name of the class with the highest confidence
Output value outClassIndex int& Returns the index of the class with the highest confidence
Output value outScore float& Returns the value of the highest confidence
Output value outRelevanceHeatmap Heatmap& Returns the heatmap indicating how strong specific parts of image influenced the classification result
Output value outAlignedRoi Optional<Rectangle2D&> NIL Input roi after the transformation


For input inImage only pixel formats are supported: 1⨯uint8, 3⨯uint8.

Read more about pixel formats in Image documentation.

Optional Outputs

The computation of following outputs can be switched off by passing value ftl::NIL to these parameters: outAlignedRoi.

Read more about Optional Outputs.



This filter should not be executed along with running Deep Learning Service as it may result in degraded performance or even out-of-memory errors.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Not supported inImage pixel format in FisFilter_DL_ClassifyObject. Supported formats: 1xUInt8, 3xUInt8.

See Also

  • Models for Deep Learning may be created using FabImage Deep Learning Editor or using Training Api (C++ based API Training is available in 5.3 and older versions only).

    For more information, see Machine Vision Guide.