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Header: FIL.h
Namespace: fil
Module: FoundationLite

Computes a common points or segment of any segments from the set.


void fil::SegmentArrayIntersections
	const ftl::Array<fil::Segment2D>& inSegments,
	ftl::Array<fil::Point2D>& outIntersectionPoints,
	ftl::Array<int>& outFirstIntersectionIndices,
	ftl::Array<int>& outSecondIntersectionIndices,
	ftl::Array<fil::Segment2D>& outOverlapSegments,
	ftl::Array<int>& outFirstOverlapIndices,
	ftl::Array<int>& outSecondOverlapIndices


Name Type Default Description
Input value
inSegments const Array<Segment2D>& Input segments
Output value
outIntersectionPoints Array<Point2D>& Intersection points
Output value
outFirstIntersectionIndices Array<int>& First indices of the input segments which corresponds to the intersection points
Output value
outSecondIntersectionIndices Array<int>& Second indices of the input segments which corresponds to the intersection points
Output value
outOverlapSegments Array<Segment2D>& Overlap segments
Output value
outFirstOverlapIndices Array<int>& First indices of the input segments which corresponds to the overlap segments
Output value
outSecondOverlapIndices Array<int>& Second indices of the input segments which corresponds to the overlap segments


SegmentArrayIntersections performed on segments.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.